$500 – New Orleans, LA:

“Let’s start of with if your not man or woman enough for this unicorn don’t read any further. This car will pull more Facebook views than a topless blonde in a Ferrari. Yes it has the rare aero and weight reduction package. Just imagine never having to buy windshield wipers agian. Cancel your glass coverage ladies and gentlemen. If your an attention whore this is the car for you. Endless benefits such as: never lock your keys in your car again, improved gas mileage, never buy washer fluid again. Throw that bottle of rain ex in the trash because your windshield will never fog. Pull more ass than that guy from the notebook. Man up grab this baby the horns and change your life. Are you thinking what I’m I’m thinking? Yes this car does have under 100000 miles. Bring a helmet! OBO
1987 oldsmobile cutlass cruiser wagon
condition: good
cylinders: 6 cylinders
drive: fwd
fuel: gas
paint color: custom
title status: clean
transmission: automatic “

Source: https://neworleans.craigslist.org/cto/d/1987-muff-wagon/6543946683.html